sunday post #9

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Reviewer. It's a chance to recap posts from the past week and tease upcoming content, as well as share new books, reading challenge progress, and anything else you've come across in the last seven days.

It's a busy weekend for me this time around! Last night I went to another fundraising event, this time for a summer sleepaway camp geared towards children with diabetes. One of my friends from high school organized every charitable aspect of the party and I'm so proud to see her hard work pay off! (I'm also happy that the season for these events is winding down, if only because these parties can trail off into the early morning hours when all I want is a nap!)

Today is also the day I get to see Sunken Garden, the 3-D opera I mentioned a few weeks ago. I've been looking forward to this production for a year and I can't believe it's finally here. If I love it as much as I hope to, then I may even get a ticket for one of the last performances before it closes.

Otherwise the upcoming week is looking calm and quiet—just perfect for catching up on the ever-growing stack of books and movies :)


Another three books down, including two review copies and one highly anticipated title off my backlist! Not long before hearing the sad news that Blogging for Books will soon be no more, I requested a new movie tie-in edition of Ready Player One. The good news is I'm still really excited for Steven Spielberg's film at the end of the month! The bad news is...I wasn't that big a fan of the book itself. I'll be running a review later this month so you can see how my expectations and reality compared!

I also read Liar's Candle by August Thomas, which I received via NetGalley. It's a political/spy thriller with a twist that I predicted a little before the midway point, but it had an unbelievably fun pace. My review won't post until mid-April, but I can say I recommend it to anyone who likes a fast-paced thriller that doesn't take its foot off the gas!

Lastly, after two years I finally got to read The Butterfly Garden by Dot Hutchison. It was billed as a twisted crime thriller and did not disappoint. This book does deal with some very dark themes, including abuse and torture, so if those are red flag items for you I would encourage caution before picking it up. However, for those of you who enjoy a darker read I think this fits the bill perfectly! I'm already adding the sequel to my TBR and can hopefully get to it in time for the third book's release this summer.



Book Review: Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
Down the TBR Hole #11
Book Review: Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence
Film Review: Love, Simon


My haul count isn't zero, but I still tried to be good! I managed to request one final book from Blogging for Books: Sirens by Joseph Knox. (Is it bad that I don't feel in a big rush to read and review, since the website will be defunct soon?) I also paid shipping for an ARC of Orphan, Monster, Spy by Matt Killeen, continuing my thriller theme this week. As part of the street team for Onyx & Ivory by Mindee Arnett, I won an e-ARC for completing the first challenge. That approval just went through and I'm excited to start on it soon! Lastly I went ahead and bought Acceptance, the final book in Jeff VanderMeer's Southern Reach trilogy. I really want all my covers to match and I heard a rumor that they've printed a new design, or will soon. No matter what, now I have all three (coordinating) titles gracing my shelves!


What did you do this weekend? Anything you're excited to start reading this week?